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" .. two opposing sides (let's say science is force A and religion/spirituality is Force B), the difference between them would be the outlook each takes on energy or nature .. "    i am spiritual but not religious

Language is the problem .. peop have not learnt how to use words beyond commerce .. science is a discipline with language , yet most cannot refrain from assumption that XYZ is correct, thus an outcome is corrupt .. or invalid , medicine is an example , politics another where commerce justifies ..

 My entry in italics  to Sandras Science & Religion section ..  Given yor impirical work with numbers  yor work in language explains why men ought to dominate .. writers are logical beings to begin with ..women seem guided by emotion, esp by an audience emotion.. as in looking at reaction rather than working it out for themselves .. An englishman is not different , they are obsessed with opinion ..

I give u some proof which assists everyone reading to make clear observation .. i am new to grammer and history , i knew nothing about either, a few years ago .. these few years serious attention brings conclusion what most scholars kno well .. Language is wasted on the British youth is wasted on the young... with some exceptions of course ..  Take for example Austin and his book How to do things with Words.. Why anyone labors thru errant nonsense is beyond me ., here is an example of his words:

There is no short cut to expounding simply the full complexity of the situation which does not fit an common classification ..  we must at all costs avoid over-simplification  .. the occupational disease of philosophers ..  it is late , an this post cannot justify precision beyond entry level ..

Philos , expect the reader to anticipate antecedent into statements made obvious by at least 2 levels of  context ,  1 The abstract notion , or lead  ,  2 Word order .. or inflection.. te lead may simply be a title. or subject .. Austin is trapped in the fact that Life is a Lie, pretending to correct it gramatically. Impossible.

 The british awarded Austin a place in the subject of confusion, why ?  One can only parrot his logic with anguish ..

 A funny repeated stigma is around   :  if some thoughts are incorrect as opposed to Insincere , results an infelicity ..  ..  HE misses out badly the fact many thoughs are either incorrect or insincere .. then a difference from mistake or misunderstanding * he places these in equivalence ( thay are not ) little wonder fiction is by far a favorite with brits ..  I think Austin was a deliberate assault on public mind to keep em stupid. .. anuf wasting on him .. if theres any more like him , we join the dots to sabotage.

 (thus energy or nature will be the blue circle in the centre of the diagram).at least they are both potential

One side is usually searching for tangible proof and enjoys dominating and manipulating nature,

jus as god enjoys dominating man ..  & man manipulating woman  and  other men  (women do alsoe Science cannot exist without searching nature, so whats the point ?

while the other desires to unite with nature and live amongst it as an equal (showing respect and also the difference between the mechanistic and organismic world views of East and West).

nonsense .. u desire , or other minds agree as they cant think properly , let alone make tru sense .. the multitude are in a continual argument of nonsense ..   no i have not read the Kuran ..

World View is generally defined as one's outlook of life and how it works.  Genrally guessed by Ego

 Mechanistic refers to the world is a machine that we manipulate and control .  It controls US.  u can only change the temperature or add chemical / radiation / catalyst      Control is a Lie u believe.

Organismic refers to the views of the world as a living organism to be respected. In order to complete or fill in the diagram, the task would be to find the compromise or balance between the two "opposing" forces and make them complimentary.   Opposing only in yor Mind.  U enjoy frivolous impossible tasks

u cannot " Make " anything complementary, are merely experiential results, Prove 1 coulomb = 1sqm.

Evidence that life rests in a balance and one side is not better than another,.. when one of these sides, gets out of hand and crosses the line, the other comes in just in time, to bring nature back into balance.

Which law defines when any side crosses , and define the lines relationship with both sides. U cannot.

the laws multipy beyond yor capacity to reason with physical science .. U have no such evidence, & if u attempt to define it ,  no matter how simple it may be .. allow me to disprove it ..  Example pls

 This is where a compromise must be reached in order to have rest (because life rests in a balance, without it you have stress)..   U have stress all the time with or without , at least learn metabolism ..

 Nothing rests except a lazy person .. the brain NEVER rests .. it merely oxdizes less during  "yor rest"   A conpromise MUST be reached ?  Baloney .. U cant use compromise in science .. already useless emotion ..


Study of Causes . Mind, does Matter. Mind eminates Causes.

February 12, 2016 at 10:56 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Holder of the Secrets
Site Owner
Posts: 15

1> I agree that language is a problem! Yes! Language is not enough to capture what we are feeling and wanting to communicate a lot of the time. But, this is why we have poetry, art and music.

April 17, 2016 at 9:49 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Holder of the Secrets
Site Owner
Posts: 15

2. I disagree that men and women should be put into different and "opposing" categories such as male-rational, female-emotional. This is left over from Modernist thinking and we live in a post-moderist world now where we take time to deconstruct traditional, patriachial labels, stereotypes and definitions.

April 17, 2016 at 9:52 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Holder of the Secrets
Site Owner
Posts: 15

RE: Mechanistic vs organistic

This is a very important distinction because it is more correct to think of the world (or universe) as a living organism. There is scientific evidence for this. There are things like how cells know to be legs or arms etc, General System thoery  (see Plato paper) that provide evidence against reductionsim as a credicle theological template/ideology. The world is an organism, but science is still in the modernist age of reason which is outdated and passe. Science is the machine. To believe in mechanistic ideologies and reductionism is not only false, but saying that a robot is more valued than a human being.

April 17, 2016 at 10:06 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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