Welcome to the site! Read the description to the left for details regarding the theory behind this site.
The History of Energy
the beginning is the end
Under this section is a paper written for an Honours Psychology course, the History of Psychology. The task was to trace a topic from contemperary Psychology back through various historical stages to see how that topic has grown over the course of time. The topic I chose was energy, or Energy Psychology. Enjoy research from Feinstein (most recent) all the way back to Pythagoras.
The Future of Energy
the end is the beginning. This section includes all the previous homepage fails and some suggestions for future research ;) enjoy!
This section represents my journey through Psychology, which I have ultimately found to be short-sighted and founded in reductionism, which is an ideology falsified in the History of Energy paper and the Plato paper. Since my undergraduate degree in Psychology I have expanded to the polar opposite (if one must think in binaries) to Gender Studies.Since the completion of my Masters degree in Gender Studies, I've been trying to go back and make sure all my psych papers are inclusive.
This link includes a proposed field theory for Psychology that unites, not only quantitative and qualitative research styles, but solve the mind-body problem of Cartesian Dualism by adding a third 'stuff' of the universe.
This section proposes a Grand Unified Field theory or "theory of everything" for Physics, backed up by a mathematical equation.
This section unites all sections together to unite the branches of Science and Religion. Many different perspectives are taken and these two seemingly opposing forces are united through many different angles.
New Age/Orthodox
This section looks at the conflicts or cycles between New Age free thought and Orthodox dogmaticism. The feud between these two opposing forces revealed the truth regarding the story of Jesus, what he really taught and to whom he truly gave the rites to teach his faith. This section explores why the movie The Last Temptation of Christ was banned in other countries, looks at the Da Vinci Code and presents a controversial paper/theory showing the hidden meaning of world religious symbols.
This section begins with a confusing paper about taking back the spirit. If the point can be penetrated, it tells an interesting story about Modernity and the Age of Reason, with a twist by providing evidence that emotion could be considered superior to reason. It also complicates Carteasian mind/body distinctions by adding spirit back into the equation. Have fun following that one lol. I can't even follow it ;) There are other papers about explaining Mystical experiences and others comparing Western and Eastern styles of consciousness. My favourite is the book review of Kabbalah. I like how this site allows me to go back and fix/reword old papers/ideas. This section really details what it is like to have a theory in the making and shows how ideas develop over time. One day my ideas/theory will be comprehensive to others outside my wacky brain :)
This section includes research done on the importance of emotional charge on ESP communication. It proposes that it is emotion communication that makes telepathy successful. The second paper in this section addresses dreams and dream interpretation. Two Dream interpretation methods (Freud's and Jung's) were analyzed to determine which method produced the most accurate results. The third paper presents research on Understanding Altered States of Conciousness and the last paper in this section is about Western Consciousness and how we are very individualized and perhaps out of balance due to us being lost in the Grand Illusion (Maya). The next paper looks at The Implication of Eastern Concepts on Western Ideals, to propose a potential balance between the two world views.
This section includes a paper about the subject-object dichotomy in Philosophy
This section begins with a work that is a detailed analysis of the screenplay/poem found in the Art section of this site. This paper looks at the research behind the play that inspired its manifestation (or why I wrote the play). It is hard to avoid the Book of Revelations when the topic of the Apocalypse comes up, so the next paper in this section is a comparison of the similarities and differences of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelations. Many similarities were found and the research leads one to believe that we are in the dawning of the Age when we will see great changes in the world as we know it today.
This section includes papers on 3 pathways to happiness (physical, mental, emotional), followed by a paper on how to end prejudice, a paper on the polarization of the sexes is next (as it is hypothesized by this site that the true or pure unification of All That is in the Universe is solved by the reunification of the energy of the sexes ;). Finally, this section ends with an empirical thesis exploring the equal validation or rational and emotional styles.
This section contains a play or screenplay called the Grand Drama that is written entirely out of prose (the owner and creator of this website has personally written everything that appears on it). This work of art reveals a hidden message, one that may unlock the key to the mysteries of the universe! This page also includes a shortened poem of the Grand Drama and provides a link to a song that is about Plato's Analogy of the Cave (members only).
this is a collection of my poetry - enjoy!
This is a collection of my songs - enjoy! =)
This is my photo collection
Key to the Legend
Red = Philosophy
Blue = Physics
Yellow = mathematics
green = hard sciences
grey = psychology
the parts under construction are labeled as such or blanketed by <<< ____ >>> indicating personal notes to self to improve the site, or the layout of the information presented.
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Welcome to the Grand Patchwork: A Unified Field Theory in the Making
The Grand Patchwork: A Unified Field Theory in the Making?
Picking up where Einstein left off, I would like to take you on an adventure of our amazing universe of energy and how energy works. This site contains what I call a New Unified field theory, where all types of energy are united and valued. All fields of study are represented in some way, not just Mathematics and Quantum Physics; including psychology, theology, gender studies, anthropology, hard sciences, biology, arts, music and all the other links listed above under 'MORE.'.
I call it the Grand Patchwork because it is an amalgamation of theories (academic and non-academic), thoughts, feelings as well as spiritual energies that should ALL be considered valid parts of the human experience. This site is post-modern in the sense that traditional, Age of Reason ideologies will be rejected as the only way to participate in reality. Reason, as well as physical and emotional capacities will all have equal footing and importance. The concept of equity is added because reason may be better in one situation and emotion better in another, whereas physical basic needs may over-ride these at any given time. This way, body, reason and emotion are all useful and therefore equally valid; just in different ways and in different situations. (See the Psychology section for a paper that confuses the traditional understanding of the mind-body problem of Cartesian Dualism)
Things represented on this site come together and are unified under the umbrella of 'the search for truth.' And until this theory can be falsified (which it cannot, of course ;), then I will continue to develop it. This is why it is a theory in the making, because it is born anew each day with different ideas and challenges and therefore must change and adapt to the new discoveries the universe throws towards our way. The unique contribution of this theory/site/way of life is that it will introduce a new way of understanding and organizing information, as well as provide a mechanism that unites the standard model with that of relativity. It will, in essence, explain the quantum excitation of the Higgs boson particle. When I say explain the quantum excitation of the Higgs boson particle, I mean I will explain how it behaves and how it unites the corporeal/material world with that of the quantum world.
To really explore and understand this Grand Unified Field theory, you may need to unlearn all that you think you know about the universe. You can read the theory here. (In case you haven't noticed, my links are underlined).
Definitions of a Unified Field, Field Theory and Theory of Everything
A Unified Field is "a theory that describes two or more of the four interactions (electromagnetic, gravitational, weak, and strong) previously described by separate theories" (Dictionary.com). For papers addressing this definition click here.
A theory about how the universe functions, or a theory that explains "the nature and behavior of all matter and energy in existence" (Computer Fundamentals Glossary). Click here to read about this definition.
A Field theory can also be a psychological theory which examines patterns of interaction between the individual and the total field, [and/] or environment.This definition first made its appearance in psychology with roots to the holistic perspective of Gestalt theories. It was developed by Kurt Lewin, a Gestalt psychologist, in the 1940s. Lewin's field theory can be expressed by a formula: B = f(p,e), meaning that behavior (B) is a function of the person (p) and his/her environment (e).[1] (from A Dynamic Theory of Personality, Lewin, 1935). To explore this definition click here.
A theory [of everything could also be a], a self-contained mathematical model that describes allfundamental forces and forms of matter? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory). Click here to read more about this.
1) Balance; with too much and too little boundaries, while validating the importance of ‘set and setting.’
2) ‘Respect the exceptions,’ by appreciating the weird, unique and marginalized while simultaneously questioning what is “normal.”
3) ‘To learn we must unlearn.’ By this I mean that in order to make this world a 'utopia,' we must first deconstruct and doubt everything we have previously come to know, in order to reconstruct it again in a more holistic and inclusive manner.
"All the King's horses, and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again."