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Forum Home > Philosolhy Club > Media steering, Whos in control of What life means

Posts: 20

Following statement by a (herein Forum linkedpost) quoted psychiatry professional on 

"Straw man arguments & studies were promoted without shame by some authorities who were enlisted in criticisms that mostly fail because of wrong contexts."


WRONG CONTEXT is the biggest socio-political issue on Earth.. what drives it ?  apart from social uncertainty, its obvious what else steers it  .. argument being on top of the list


 A view of the most established intelligence, thru the eyes of its critics, quoted in the next paragraph, alludes to the power of media steering,  Human Rights issues are increasingly polarised to reflect the effects of war .. for (rather than against) a people who happen to control the flow of money.



J wish conspiracies are forbidden to discuss but Muslim or Christian conspiracies are perfectly okay to promote in this J wish-engineered politically-correct paradigm of psychological enslavement. Hall discredits himself completely in this short paragraph by mindlessly parroting a number of easily disproved “Big Lies.” There are so many falsehoods, where shall I ever begin? First, Hall remarks, “the ultimate literary prod to racial hatred, the so-called Protocols of the Zion Elders.” If the Protocols Of Zion are the “ultimate literary prod to racial hatred,” then why doesn’t Mr. Hall ask J  s why they penned the Protocols in the first place if they don’t want people to dislike them for it? He is naively assuming here that we are all ignorant enough to blindly accept the Zionist-heralded conspiracy theory that the Protocols were written by “antisemites” who hate J  s instead of by J  s who hate Gentiles. Indeed, the Protocols do promote racial hatred…of Gentiles


  Having enabled a "chosen by God" philosophy, media moguls set their favorite visions up in lights.. whilst sufficient shielding power settles (as clouds of verbal dust) in argument directly from the masses.

Heres a link on the impending Saudi invasion into Syria .. limited tactical nuclear war ..  

February 13, 2016 at 9:26 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 20

Whilst much of the world has fallen into J wish hands .. everyone else W ishes to control that bounty  2.. NO matter what .. revolution / world war / another flood ... it shall return to those who control international finances .. 

Now we face history that repeats itself .. thru despotism man is conquored,  he clamors onto his roc of safety (we all have one) thru weakness he sells his Soul to a Fable ..  to be saved from this world .. the energy of belief goes into a riddle from which a redemption is claimed..  Behold how easily a led enslavement is God.

 It only took 11 illiterate lemmings  to start it .. Hold on , they didnt start it .. Josephus brought it to the attention of Roman invader Titus  ( son of god )

 Do research properly, before starting on an issue which u cannot fathom :

Put simply,  why opposites Attract.   Care to debate ?  or feeding yor Cat


It was in the mind of Weishaupt to make a free university from this grade

He himself declared : "In der nachsten Klasse [ Minervals ], dachte ich

also eine Art von gelehrter.

Academic zu errichten : in solcher wird gearbeitet, an Karakteren,

historischen, and lebenden, Studium der Alten, Beobachtungsgeist,

Abhandlungen, Preisfragen, and in specie mache ich darinnen jeden

zum Spion des andern and alley

Time is nigh to renew vigor in such Luminism .. start a subscriber Uni

February 20, 2016 at 8:57 PM Flag Quote & Reply

Posts: 20

George Galloway puts forward a central intelligence issue : begins with Israel RAANAN shifting blame to British Empire with obvious "left holding evidence" (as planted by the $ lenders) ..highlighting Iraq as with all " US " (Israeli) invasions designed to overturn peace and continue insurgence fighting by covert ops (such asISIS , blackwater, etc)       even links cant be posted ..

There is an extreme group (Bankers) profiting from WARS ..using their media (that u watch) to convince the public a predestined reality.  Life is predestined by $.  By now only public servants subscribe to the Lie they live , u see it all the time.. Sweeping presidential changes .. Patriot Act /  FEMA camps / military drills get used to it.. U cant stop it, no matter how many protest.  Its too late.. even tho Putin destroyed the Syrian insurgence ..they will be back, under NATOs protection, asif Saudis were going to invade while Putins defence was striking .. He struck a deal with big $ to keep control of 2 ports while a new strategy is formed to conquor Syria.


Its a simple model protected by laws imposed against revolution, even that is catered for by FEMA. However the stupid people they control remain powerless, even when power is available to them ..useless squabble, like seagulls fighting 4scraps. The balance of power is held by fear of the future, supply of credit , thus lifestyle .. The whole world is addicted to lifestyle & have no capacity to organise

Where is intelligent manpower (we need Kernel programmers , ASM , Android fork OS skills.. honest accountants, engineers ) to come together in a project that Tesla CEO jus begins after selling his Co.  Do yor research, request a letter showing support of a multinational facility that empowers our group to manufacture solar energy devices (with a US manufacturer) and Hyd insulation fuel cell reactors.

Current technology enables power generation to replace fossil fuels, are u all just going to sit back and do nothing, when an invitation to engineers is extended..

An argumentive population ALLOW these things, by NO ACTION .. What action u may ask? Organisational Skills, none exist , its all run 4U for the scraps u have been happy to exist on..  Christians have been duped into a false democracy.

April 3, 2016 at 4:50 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Holder of the Secrets
Site Owner
Posts: 15

Yes, the media is the message. I wrote a song about this, I think it will be the next song I post.

April 17, 2016 at 10:14 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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