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Posts: 20

Mother Nature, the true Teacher, Can you reach her? ..  an early monkey Vs banana issue. 

She's the one whom you can really trust. .not even in yor Dreams ... see below 

But remember whatever you do to her, she also does to us .. .. nonsense ..  " " 

***respect the exceptions.  suggest u take yor own advice ..esp in absence of logic

***Nothing is impossible, just mathematically absurd.

***Why play God when you can play with God?    same thing , Y not get a real part in the show.

OK , u have what is a common accept for "education" .. yet leaning on illusion ..

Now to above suggestion of trust .. u believe humans are a product of Nature , yet there is more evidence today we are genetically engineered , incl  biblical. .. Nature also separately exists, more chaotic .. human need to shelter from it .. unforgiving substance without  soul  ..  the role u play depends on which part u trust that doesnt bite.   Unbridled nature bites.

Appears only feminine coercion tames the true heart of man, as u can see cant be trusted.

Mother is another concept of the HMS  bridling the burning heart in attempt 2quench the thirst 

What is the mother of a virus.. or those spontaneous viral payloads delivered to science ..

Nothing is impossible .. thus secrets & natures invasion & gods plurality is guaranteed .. 

February 21, 2016 at 1:09 AM Flag Quote & Reply

Holder of the Secrets
Site Owner
Posts: 15

We can change our neurons by changing our thinking.... We can change our world by doing...I'm not an essentialist and anatomy is NOT destiny 

April 17, 2016 at 9:48 PM Flag Quote & Reply

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