Uniting Science and Religion with QM
Posted by Holder of the Secrets on May 18, 2017 at 3:30 PM |
Another way to unite science and religon is through Quantum Physics regarding the quantum redshift theory that "claims the universe appears to be a series of concentric hollow spheres made up of denser conglomerations of galaxies," with our galaxy at the centre (Personal communication K Sudds, May 18, 20017). The Grand Patchwork agrees with the concentric sphere idea, but these are dimensions instead of galaxies per se. So in the smallest, most dense circle or "bubble" is our universe and our galaxy is in the centre of that. This makes sense because our realm or dimension is the most dense. According to the Grand Patchwork, this is because the other dimensions surrounding it create this density. Our realm can be seen to be the most dense because even though there is mostly space between the particles, we can walk on the ground, stand on chairs build houses etc. If our realm wasn't this dense these things would not be possible. This density applies to our bodies, but not our mind or emotional/spiritual adventures.
Uniting this with Religion and Spirituality, our minds and hearts can transcend the innermost bubble and reach other realms and dimensions. Kabbalah refers to a middle point within our bodies that is much like the concentric sphere idea. Depending how you see it or understand it, this middle point and our various characteristics could be either the microcosm or macrocosm of the nesting realms of the universe. This middle point represents the central column of one who is balanced in body, mind and emotion/spirit. When all of these realms (nefesh, rouah and neshimah) within the body are aligned, transcendance from our physical realm (Malchut) is possible. There are six other realms that make up Zer Ampin that represent a journey through the next realms that reside around our physical realm. There is a firmament dividing each realm or "bubble." Three more realms around these make up the Crown or Keter. Surrounding all of these realms is Ein Sof or the Infinite.
Uniting this back to Quantum Mechanics, this explanation supports the idea of both expansion and contraction. However, the word contraction is not understood as a big crunch as Hawking would suggest. According to the Grand Patchwork, the terms are more like separation/division expansion and collective reunification. Therefore a Grand Patchwork definition of contraction would look less like a Big Crunch and more like a unification of all realms or dimensions. In order to unify one must travel through all dimensions and gain a good understanding of each and how they fit together. When all dimensions are working together like all the aspect of within the human (body mind and emotion/spirit) then we will see a reversal or retreat to the original source (like what Rosh Hashana is supposed to be about). Therefore, the original source might be a Perfect Form or concept or LAW rather than a pea-sized particle.
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